8/12 Blog - A proud mother
My kids delight me each day, with their kind words, polite manners and bright smiles. But as they get older and either begin competing or truly work hard at something that they truly love and have chosen themselves, it brings a whole other level to it. I got it when my daughter's had their first dance recital. Seeing them remember every step and take great pride in it, not having to look at their teacher at all made me so proud. I think I was beaming. I could see they loved it and wanted to do a great job. I felt so proud and wanted to tell them.
This week the same thing happened with my son. The first time he had "hockey try-outs" for lack of a better description on Monday night. He will be playing this year on a team, so they have the kids come and "show off their skills" per se. An older boy goes through them (and very fast, it was quite intimidating, I was nervous for him). But of course he did great, despite me being nervous. He had gone to open skate on Sunday, given he hadn't been on ice since May. He woke up on Monday and could barely move complaining of a groin injury. At 6:30 AM I am trying to figure out how I can help him, trying to get him to stretch, etc. I put a Ben-Gay like cream on it and gave him some children's aspirin. He even debated not going to his birthday part at a water park because it hurt so much. Instead he decided to go...I encouraged him to go in the hot tub for a bit to help it.
Before the try out he felt better and ok to skate, so off he went. He did fine in the skating part. He isn't the strongest skater on earth, particularly backwards. But then the stick handling came, then a scrimmage and then he showed off, even a break-away goal. I was so happy for him. In his words he said "I think I passed hockey mom." We will go back next week, and it is all done to balance the teams, which is how it should be at 6-8 years old, but knowing he worked hard and felt he did well made me so proud.
I was even prouder yesterday after his reading test. Our school has the entering first graders come in for a reading test before school. From what I understand it is just to know what types of books to give him. Still not sure why the Kindergarten teacher could not have told them that at the end of the year, but anyway, off he went. The teacher didn't tell Amber anything so of course I asked Ben at dinner last night. Apparently the teacher told him "you are an awesome reader"...I could see how proud he was in his eyes. He isn't that fond of reading, and we have worked hard to get him to do it regularly, so I know how this positive reinforcement will go a long way. On our end we toasted him at dinner and his great week and hope this will encourage him to read even more.
So I am an even more proud mother and so blessed by my children.
This week the same thing happened with my son. The first time he had "hockey try-outs" for lack of a better description on Monday night. He will be playing this year on a team, so they have the kids come and "show off their skills" per se. An older boy goes through them (and very fast, it was quite intimidating, I was nervous for him). But of course he did great, despite me being nervous. He had gone to open skate on Sunday, given he hadn't been on ice since May. He woke up on Monday and could barely move complaining of a groin injury. At 6:30 AM I am trying to figure out how I can help him, trying to get him to stretch, etc. I put a Ben-Gay like cream on it and gave him some children's aspirin. He even debated not going to his birthday part at a water park because it hurt so much. Instead he decided to go...I encouraged him to go in the hot tub for a bit to help it.
Before the try out he felt better and ok to skate, so off he went. He did fine in the skating part. He isn't the strongest skater on earth, particularly backwards. But then the stick handling came, then a scrimmage and then he showed off, even a break-away goal. I was so happy for him. In his words he said "I think I passed hockey mom." We will go back next week, and it is all done to balance the teams, which is how it should be at 6-8 years old, but knowing he worked hard and felt he did well made me so proud.
I was even prouder yesterday after his reading test. Our school has the entering first graders come in for a reading test before school. From what I understand it is just to know what types of books to give him. Still not sure why the Kindergarten teacher could not have told them that at the end of the year, but anyway, off he went. The teacher didn't tell Amber anything so of course I asked Ben at dinner last night. Apparently the teacher told him "you are an awesome reader"...I could see how proud he was in his eyes. He isn't that fond of reading, and we have worked hard to get him to do it regularly, so I know how this positive reinforcement will go a long way. On our end we toasted him at dinner and his great week and hope this will encourage him to read even more.
So I am an even more proud mother and so blessed by my children.
I really enjoyed your story about Ben’s success with Hockey. It’s easy to see why you are so proud of the little guy. In fact, as a mother myself, I know how it feels when your heart is bursting with pride as you watch your child achieve a goal. The reason I’m commenting is because I’d like to share with your readers how proud I am of my son, who this year is dealing with being unsuccessful at his sport of choice, football.
Up to this year, Devyn, my 12 year old son, has been an all star on his youth football team. His father and I went to every game and toasted every touchdown, sac, or tackle. It was so gratifying to see Devyn feeling so confident, and so successful. This year Devyn moved on to Junior High. He is a year younger than his classmates. During these adolescent years, his age sets him apart distinctly because he is physically much smaller than the other boys on the team. In addition to his size, he is dealing with a brand-new coaching staff… a staff who has no connection with Devyn, or his previous accomplishments. These factors have led to Devyn sitting the bench while his team mates get all the playing time, all the glory.
The feeling a mom gets when she has to watch her child be isolated and disappointed is one of heartbreak. But my feelings really aren’t the reason for this post. At night around the table, after a game, Devyn reiterates the entire night, play by play, with enthusiasm and joy. He, despite all odds, remains cheerful and loyal to his team. He has never missed a practice and has never let his size countermine his spirit when trying to prove himself in those practices. Watching him overcome disadvantage has made me (and my husband) proud in ways we could never imagine. He has become a model for virtue and stamina. The older he gets the more proud I become. Thank you for letting me share my example of how pride is rewarded in differant, unexpected ways when you
are a parent.
Unknown, At
September 23, 2009 at 6:46 AM
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