Millennium Mom

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How I will miss DWTS and Idol

I remember when American Idol was born back in 2001. We were living in Brussels and it was such the rage, everyone was talking about it online, news sites and so forth. I don't recall if it was available on the Armed Forces network which was the English speaking TV we had. One station that I think I had the programming schedule memorized by the time my maternity leave with Ben was over :) But I don't think they had American Idol, as it was new and they really had all the top rated shows (which that year of course they didn't know would be the hit it was).

I remember people back in Cincinnati had pools on who would win and it was definitely the talk of the water cooler. But I never saw the appeal. I love Survivor, so it wasn't as if I just rejected reality TV in general, but I didn't have a desire to watch it. We moved back in 2003 and the folks who worked for me were really into it, work betting pool and all, so I watched every now and again so at least I could participate in the discussion (and sometimes debate :).

But then that all changed about four years ago, the David Cook year. The thing that changed it all was my kids. They LOVED it and it was a "safe" show for our family to watch. I am not an ultra conservative parent by any means, but there are plenty of shows on at 8pm that should not be, Glee is at the top of my list. It is completely inappropriate for anyone below the age of 12, particularly how they characterize teachers. But that aside, Idol was just a great family show (except Lady Gaga's foreplay last night). So it became "our show" along with Survivor. For the past two years Dancing with the Stars has been added. My girls got older and still love to dance so that too has become a favorite (and Survivor has been dropped with conflict with idol, we DVR but is is just too much TV).

I love our family TV nights all hanging out together and watching the performances. We take "fake" bets on who will be voted off and celebrate who got it right. It is fun family TV and I will miss them. The men got it right on Scotty, all us ladies that Lauren would win for sure (and I guess my 100+ votes didn't help). But with our shows now over it is a true sign that summer is here. Our last day of school is next Thursday so perfect timing to transition to nice weather (though it is STILL RAINING HERE, and TORNADO warnings non-stop) and stay outside longer and longer each night. It is a good thing the temptation of Idol or DWTS is gone, but I will miss them...or maybe just Ben, Claire and Sarah snuggling with mom while watching them.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

When is efficiency a bad thing?

As many of you know, I pride myself in being very efficient. My entire book is based on tips and shortcuts to save time, effort or money. This holds true at work too. I try to take advantage of every minute I have at work, always on my blackberry clearing out email while waiting for a meeting to begin. This was how I managed to get through my days and not have to work at home (for the most part). I always thought this was a good thing.

But this week I learned maybe it isn't. I am working with an executive coach, trying to become and even stronger leader and manager. In her interviews with people who work for or with me, they all noted this behavior...and not necessarily in a good way. While it showed I got things done, etc it also made me seem "cold" in some ways, because I am always working and not just chatting or catching up with folks, etc.

In reality I am listening to everything going on in the room, because I just do that. But not showing or demonstrating that I am listening and care. So what I thought was one of my best assets and strategies isn't...

This was very hard for me to hear, but it just reinforced the constant need to just breath and take a moment every now and then. Those of you who know me know this is hard, I like to be doing something and to get things gives me energy. Besides watching sports on the couch, I don't really just "sit around." But I need to. So I will work on it, and maybe even try meditation..another tip of hers. I am sure many of you are laughing, as you all know while I love the stretching of Yoga, the spiritual/chanting side of it and me don't mesh real well. So I will figure out how to take these moments and just de-compress, hopefully it will make me an even better manager, coach, mother and wife.